A Game-Changing Partnership
In 2024, Shecluded joined forces with FCMB SheVentures to launch the groundbreaking Fempreneur Accelerator Program. Focused on empowering 350 women-led businesses, this initiative was designed to help participants access credit, boost revenue, create jobs, and scale their operations successfully.
A Program Built to Empower
The Fempreneur Accelerator targeted women with at least two years of business experience. From over 2,000 applicants, 825 were shortlisted, and 350 completed the program, walking away equipped with the knowledge and tools to elevate their businesses. This highlights Shecluded’s dedication to creating impactful opportunities for women entrepreneurs.
Innovative Training and Mentorship
At the heart of the program was an eight-week hybrid training that combined the convenience of online learning with the depth of in-person sessions. The curriculum covered essential topics such as business strategy, financial management, marketing, and operational excellence. Participants received personalized mentorship from industry experts, addressing their unique challenges and guiding them toward growth.
The program wasn’t just about education—it delivered actionable results. Graduates gained access to ongoing business support services, including development plans and progress monitoring. This holistic approach drove measurable success: 75% of participants reported increased revenue, improved operations, or both.
The impact went far beyond the participants. The program created over 500 new jobs, proving the power of women-led businesses to drive community growth and economic development. By empowering these entrepreneurs, Shecluded showcased how investing in women can create widespread change.
The Fempreneur Accelerator Program is more than a success story; it’s a beacon of hope and progress. Through visionary partnerships and innovative approaches, Shecluded is redefining women’s roles in business and society. By empowering women entrepreneurs, Shecluded isn’t just changing lives—it’s transforming economies and shaping a brighter, more inclusive future.
When Women Rise, Communities Thrive
Shecluded remains committed to its mission of advancing women’s economic empowerment. With initiatives like the Fempreneur Accelerator, they continue to lead the way, proving that when women succeed, the world benefits.